4th International Conference POLCOM 2020 – will take place at the University Polytechnica of Bucharest between November 26-28, 2020 and is an ISI listed conference.

The International Conference on Design and Technologies for Polymeric and Composite Products is organized by University Politehnica of BucharestIndustrial Engineering and Robotics FacultyManufacturing Engineering Department, Romania and by the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” – Department of Engineering, Italy.

The conference is a dynamic scientific event to bring together academics from around the world. Materials science, product technologies, mechanical design, mechatronics and intelligent technologies are at the heart of the conference, always looking to innovative research paths.

In this edition great attention will be paid to the theme of Additive Manufacturing, Polcom will be a forum for discussion on Additive Manufacturing, including its application in industry and the big environmental impact of such new manufacturing technologies.
Polcom conference include sessions on various topics and provide opportunities for exchanging ideas and opinions on both fundamental science and industry-relevant subjects.

“POLCOM® 2020 - International Conference on Design and Technologies for Polymeric and Composite Products” - 4th International Conference POLCOM®; Progress on Polymers and Composites Products and Manufacturing Technologies




Registration Fees – for online conference and participants only from Romania

·       100 € delegate

·       50 € student, PhD student

·       50 € second paper


POLCOM 2020 - First call for papers

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